Monday, October 29, 2012

Shaving Cream Fun

Cookie Sheets + Shaving Cream + 2 kids = LOADS of fun.

Getting a little carried away - I have no idea how he got so much in his hair.

Clayton has learned his initials (C and H) and the letter O. He loves writing them over and over.   

I made the "A" for Addy.  She knows what it is and that her names starts with that letter. But for now she can only draw an "O".  :-)

Clayton called me to come look and proudly said: "I made a map of the WHOLE world!"  

I really don't know why we haven't done this fun activity sooner. The kids LOVED it! :-)

1 comment:

Jana said...

Awww, such a FUN activity!!!! Karson came home from preschool today and said they had done this at school today! (For teachers, this is a GREAT way to clean desks/tables... gets all the pencil marks off and makes the room smell pleasant. :) Fun, Fun!!!