Saturday, May 12, 2007

Personality Test - what are you?

I am very fascinated by people's personalities, and I love learning about why people behave the way they do. In fact, the class I'm taking right now is Organizational Behavior. Our first assignment was to take this personality test and then to write a 4-page paper on what we learned about ourselves and how we interact with others. It's the most amazing thing ever. I couldn't believe what the results said. I had Aaron take it and it read him like a book! :-) When he read my results, he kept saying, "Uh, huh - that's YOU!"

When we were at Kendall and Leanna's last weekend, everyone there took it too. It was really neat to see how different we all are. So, by popular demand, I am blogging this personality test for the enjoyment of all of you. Take it and see what your family says. It really is amazing how much this 72-question test can discover about you.

Go to this link to take the test and write down your four-letter type:

After you take the test, visit this web page to learn about what you are: Underneath the heading "The Personality Page" you will see a row of buttons. Click on the "portrait" button, which is the 5th button over and has a picture of a man on it. Click on your 4 letter type and this will give you a summary of your personality type. Another interesting button is the one with arrows on it. This will give you possible career choices.

I am ENFJ. What are you?


Anonymous said...

Very interesting Brenda. I am ESTJ. It's kind of scary how true it is.
Mark B.

Anonymous said...

Brenda! I'm an INFJ. That explains my messy desk... :)

Carrie said...

That was kind of funny. I tested as an ISFJ, but 3 weeks ago, I tested as an INFJ. Weird, huh?

Regi said...


Les said...

ESFJ I'm 89% extraverted! This will explain why my mom used to always say she wished I was just a little bit shy!

Trisha said...


Jana said...

I tested as an ENTJ. I'm sure my test results are totally different today than they would have been even 5 years ago. After having 3 children and being involved in "outside of church" organizations, I think I have changed in some areas. Very interesting!!

Nancy said...

I'm an ESFP. Chris is a ISTJ. It was interesting reading about each other, with each other. It was like they know us...weird (almost scary!) Anyway, the best part was that a perfect match for me (ESFP) was an ISTJ (Chris) and vice versa. Guess we'll stick!

Kelly S said...


This was very interesting and right on target! I'm not sure I want to disclose my type:)

I would love to put this on my blog. Do you mind?

Kelly S said...

Okay, I give. It's no fun if you don't share your type. Mine is ESFJ.

Brenda said...

Cool! Thanks for commenting, everyone. I sure enjoyed reading about you all!

Mark - ESTJ is definitely you. I like the statement from yours "a model citizen and a pillar of the community." That's great!

Zach - yes, even these tests know your desk is messy. :-) They say people with messy desks are more efficient.

Carrie - I took a different test too and it had me one letter different than this one. ? strange ?

Regi - I'm waiting for the scientist in you to emerge! :-) Ha!

Les - Extravert is great! We wouldn't want everyone to be shy. :-)

Trisha - That IS you! Especially the "warm, helpful, cooperative, down-to-earth, practical, thorough, consistent, organized, enthusiastic, and energetic."

Jana - "The Executive" - I would never have thought that several years ago, but I can see it now. It is funny how things change. :-)

Nancy - I laughed out loud when I read this from yours: "the entire world is a stage. They love to be the center of attention and perform for people." I know that is not true, or maybe it's a hidden desire. :-)

Kelly - Glad you told us your type. I don't know you well enough to know how fitting it is, but you must have a great personality since you are the same as Trisha. Also, don't mind at all for you to put this on your blog.

Bart - that's you! Especially: "always highly competent people, and will not have a problem meeting their career or education goals."

skier1998 said...
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skier1998 said...

Better late than never. I am ENTJ. I would say that I probably in between introvert & extrovert. Definitely intuitive, thinking, judging. I am an organized realist through and through - not a dreamer. And some perfectionist tendencies - obviously since I deleted my post and started over. ha ha. Have a great day!