Saturday, January 05, 2008

2007 - Year in Review

Wow! What a year 2007 was. I was thinking about some goals for the new year and decided to review a few highlights from last year.

January: We skied for the first time ever and loved it!

February: Aaron’s beloved Colts won the Super Bowl!

March: I saw the ocean for the very first time in my life while on a mission trip to South Africa!

April: it snowed in April!
(I know – not the first time this has ever happened, but it is unusual.)

my brother-in-law (Cameron) graduated from 8th grade and my sister-in-law (Leanna) graduated from Nursing School.

June: I missed 3 weeks of work and had to be hospitalized with my ulcerative colitis.

July: We had a ton of fun in the Cayman Islands with Mark & Kristin!

August: Aaron tore his ACL, had knee surgery, and was off work for 4 weeks.

September: GBS had a great report from the HCL Accrediting Team Visit.

October: my sister, Dana, married Phil Vernon.

November: Good friends, Erika and Matt, welcomed baby girl, Hannah, into the world (and I got to take her 2-week old pictures!)

December: I finished my master’s degree!
(no pictures yet from this grand event - graduation is in May).


Jana said...

Loved the "review". How neat!!

Kendall and Leanna said...

This was really neat! I enjoyed scrolling through it. Makes you wonder what this year will bring. :)